Du học Anh: Học Bổng danh giá Gates Cambridge tại đại học Cambridge, UK

The Gates Cambridge Scholarships are one of the most prestigious international scholarships in the world. Scholarships are awarded to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge.
Host Institution(s):
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Level/Field of study:
PhD, MSc or MLitt, or a one year postgraduate course in any subject offered at the University
Number of Awards:
About 95 Scholarships are awarded each year.
Target group:
Citizens of any country outside the United Kingdom.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
A Gates Cambridge Scholarship covers the full cost of studying at Cambridge including tuition fees, maintenance allowance, travel costs, etc. It also provides additional, discretionary funding such as academic development funding, family allowance, fieldwork, etc.
Read about the full scholarship value at this link.
You can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship if you are:
• a citizen of any country outside the United Kingdom.
• applying to pursue one of the following full-time residential courses of study: PhD (three year research-only degree); MSc or MLitt (two year research-only degree); or a one year postgraduate course (e.g. MPhil, LLM, MASt, Diploma, MBA etc.)
You can check the eligibility checker to quickly check if you are eligible to apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship.
Application instructions:
2019/20 Applications will open on 3 September 2017.
Applicants must submit an application for graduate admission, a College place and funding – including a Gates Cambridge Scholarship – via the University’s Graduate Applicant Portal. There are two Gates Cambridge application deadlines: 10 October 2018 (US citizens resident in the USA) and 5 December 2018/3 January 2019 (all other eligible applicants).
It is important to read the How to Apply section and visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Official Scholarship Website: http://www.gatescambridge.org/