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Du học Anh: Học bổng Oxford-Weidenfeld and Hoffmann tại đại học Oxford, UK

Hạn nộp: Jan-11th, 19

The Oxford-Weidenfeld and Hoffman Scholarship and Leadership Programme supports outstanding students from transition and emerging economies throughout Africa, Asia and South America to pursue a graduate degree at Oxford University. It is managed by the Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Trust.

Host Institution(s):

University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Level/Field(s) of study:

Eligible graduate programmes related to agriculture, health care, environmental and water management, economics, public and foreign policy. See the official website for the complete list of eligible programmes.

Number of Awards:

Up to 20

Target group:

Students from transition and emerging economies throughout Africa, Asia and South America

Scholarship value/inclusions/duration:

The scholarship will cover 100% of University and college fees and a grant for living costs (of at least £14,777). Awards are made for the full duration of your fee liability for the agreed course.


You should be applying to start one of the eligible courses at Oxford. You must be ordinarily resident in one of the eligible countries (see the official website for the complete list). You should be intending to return to your country of ordinary residence once your course is completed.

Successful applicants must demonstrate an interest in serving the global community through their chosen field of work. You should be able to demonstrate a connection between your subject of study and your longer-term career objectives, explaining how you see your professional work contributing to the improvement of public life in your country of origin or at a wider regional or international level.

Application instructions:

In order to be considered for this scholarship, you must select the Oxford-Weidenfeld Scholarship and Leadership Programme in the Funding section of the University’s graduate application form and submit your application for graduate study by the relevant January deadline for your course (11 January or 25 January 2019). You must also complete a Weidenfeld Scholarships Questionnaire (found at the official website) and upload it, together with your graduate application form, by the deadline.

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.



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