Du học Thụy sĩ: học bổng IO-MBA tại trường đại học Geneva, Thụy sĩ

The IO-MBA program and the University of Geneva have introduced a new scholarship program in September 2016 entering into force from the 2017-2018 intake. This scholarship program has the objective to encourage and facilitate the participation of candidates coming from abroad to Geneva, candidates coming from low and middle income countries as well as candidates working in a Nonprofit Organization. The University of Geneva is a public research university located in Geneva, Switzerland. It was founded in 1559 by John Calvin as a theological seminary and law school
Host Institution(s):
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Level/Field of study:
International Organizations Master’s in Business Administration
Number of Awards:
Not specified
Target group:
International candidates, candidates from developing countries, and candidates working in a Nonprofit organization.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship amount varies from 5,000-7,900 CHF
Geneva University Accommodation Scholarship
Based on a combination of academic merit and financial need. This scholarship is depending on the availability of rooms and granted on a ‘first come first serve’ basis.
IO-MBA Scholarship Based on a combination of academic merit and financial need. This scholarship is depending on the availability of funds.
Priority Countries Scholarship ‘Statement of honor’ describing your personal financial situation, copy of your passport, proof of residence. This scholarship is depending on the availability of funds.
Scholarship for Partner IOs & NGOs Statement from the employer attesting your place of work.
Application instructions:
Each type of scholarship is available on a limited number and candidates who are willing to apply for it are encouraged to submit their application by 15 November (Round 1). Candidates can apply for two types of scholarships at the same time, knowing that the Admission Committee will grant, if possible, the most beneficial scholarship.
It is important to visit the official website for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Official Scholarship Website: http://iomba.ch/financial-aid-scholarships/